Fifth Edition
The newest edition for students and professionals
The ACM/IEEE curriculum guidelines (CS2013)
recommends computer systems as a new body of
knowledge with the goal of a unified systems perspective.
Computer Systems is a mature text that uniquely satisfies this important new goal of the latest computer science curriculum guidelines
Fourth Edition
The fourth edition of Computer Systems offers a clear, detailed, step-by-step exposition of the central ideas in computer organization, assembly language, and computer architecture.

Chinese Edition
A translation of the fourth edition.
The fourth edition of Computer Systems offers a clear, detailed, step-by-step exposition of the central ideas in computer organization, assembly language, and computer architecture.
J. Stanley Warford
Professor of Computer Science
Pepperdine University
Two courses, Computer Systems and Computer Organization are available on YouTube and can be viewed directly on YouTube, or within the Resources section of this site. The courses include video-recorded lectures, lecture slides, and homework assignments from the textbook. Visit the Resources page to access the courses and other resources.
"Computer Systems is a mature text that uniquely satisfies this important new goal of the latest computer science curriculum guidelines."
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